Put More Effort In 意味
You need to put more effort in の意味や使い方 あなたは努力が足りない 約1152万語ある英和辞典 和英辞典 発音 イディオムも分かる英語辞書.
Put more effort in 意味. To put a lot of effort into accomplishing a difficult task 例文帳に追加. If you make an effort to do something you try very hard to do it. Put an enormous effort into のために大いに努力 ど. To reach more effort in to develop more effort in.
Put more effort into により一層 いっそう 奮闘 ふんとう する の努力 どりょく を注ぐ 表現パターン put more effort into in to. Put all one s effort into に全力 ぜんりょく を挙げる. Still don t put in more effort in training your physique. If other countries feel that even if they put more effort in than others and are really successful they will still be left out the desire to introduce reforms will be weakened even if they should continue with the changes for their own sakes.
You need to put more effort in. 君は努力が足りない weblio email例文集. Put effort intoの意味や使い方 力を入れる 約1158万語ある英和辞典 和英辞典 発音 イディオムも分かる英語辞書.